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Exclusively for Buyers

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We make choosing a Realtor an easy task

We will set up a phone call or Zoom meeting to discuss your plans to move and the details you are looking for in a home. I will help you get pre-qualified quickly with a few lenders to compare. We can tour homes that fit your criteria via virtual showings or if you are local we can schedule a tour.

I’m not just a Realtor, I’m a new construction expert! I worked directly for a builder, The New Home Company until 2019. I know everything there is to know from both sides of this process. I have many contacts in the industry and will help you find the perfect home and navigate a smooth process!

Have you been thinking about selling the family home where you raised your children? This can be a difficult and emotional decision for many. I help make this process easier by scheduling a free consultation with my professional organizer. I will gently help you prepare for a smaller space and make the process less daunting

Would you like a bigger home for your growing family? I’ve been there! Having four kids of my own, I understand how important it is to have enough bedrooms and room to spread out. I am an expert in finding a bigger home for your family that is worth packing up and moving for!

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